"Today we say to America: We've come here to work: We clean your toilets!"

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Declare "Fiscal Emergency", Mayor and Council manuver to save Phone Tax

Mayor Villaraigosa and his "WILLING TAX AND SPEND, FELLOW TRAVELERS" are in discussions regarding options to saving the city tax on phones. One option that has the attention of Times reporter David Zahnizer, is declaring a fiscal emergency. this would pave the way for putting a revised Phone Tax on the February ballot. Most important, by declaring an "emergency", passage of the tax would require only a simple majority.

Coming on the heals of proposed tax hikes on properties for gang programs, trash fees for Police, rate hikes for IBEW, err, infrastructure improvements at the DWP. One can see that the current city leadership will stop at nothing to find "streams of new revenues" to waste on dubious programs. Plus, lets not forget the "OTHER TAX" that is still in the planning stage. A tax on your personal income.

Simple solution to this "ORGY OF SPENDING AND TAXING" ?


Just say No, when your city leaders will not crack down on "ILLEGAL MERCHANTS".

Just say No, when gang programs put current members of the "MEXICAN MAFIA" on city payroll.

Just say No, when your city leaders sell out our fine LAPD officers for the May 1 rally at MacArthur Park.

Just say No, when you city leaders give the "BANK" to dubious "Non-Profits".

Just say No, when a "PRANSTER" gets $1.5 million for hurt feelings.

I can go on and on, but I will let you add to the list.

Mayor maneuvers to get phone tax on Feb. 5 ballot - Los Angeles Times

The Summer of Love is Officially Over

Once there was a girl who achieved her dream of being a big time television reporter.

First she banged Alex Padilla, Fabian Nunez and probably a few others.

But then she upgraded to the married, sitting Mayor of the second largest city in America. Indeed, she even reported on television that the Mayor was splitting up with his wife because of an affair with another woman. But she forgot to mention she was the other woman.

She was then suspended. And then transfered to the fabulous metropolis of Riverside.

But she failed to show up for her first day of work. And shortly after, her employer said she was no longer with the television station.

And in the meantime, the Mayor is probably looking for a new squeeze in time for the holidays.

Man, that really sucks. Just like that woman and this one and this one, anyone who dares screw around with a married elected official is bound to become the butt of many jokes and only a footnote in history. But hey maybe she can sell the movie rights!

Mayor V Blips

The Mayor wanted to plant a million trees (the non-shady shady plan we told you about before) but so far its only about 110,000 and no one knows where they are. Yet another example of stupid grandstanding by a politician that solves absolutely no problem.

If you're a philandering politician who do you to turn to for advice? The wife of another philandering politician of course! Especially when she's running for President and you're her National Campaign Chairman.

Despite his troubles, Hispanic Business Magazine has named Mayor V one of the 100 most influential Hispanics in America. Hey the Mayor needed SOME good news right?

John and Ken check this out: Walter Moore has a video blog with some photo ops of the Mayor wasting his time tossing out old mattresses. That Mayor V sure knows how to keep busy!