Alright, y' much shadiness happening in the City of Los Angeles under Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, I'm afraid I might show up to City Hall, one day soon for public comment, and find the doors to City Hall padlocked by George W. Bush!?!?
Here are some things Inspector Zuma Dogg is looking into that may, or may not be part of what's being looked into: (AKA: ZD's Bat Computer is working round the clock on -- and seems to be some things on the radar:
* Several lawsuits against the City over civil right's violation, across multiple departments. DWP (employee suing for unauthorized phone survelance), LAUSD (teacher suing for overtime), Ruby De Vera (suing LA and Ed Reyes over political expression violation/termination -- outside counsel hired), Female LAPD officer (sex discrimination/hostile work envronment). I understand there is some connection to all of these for a possible upcoming "collective" (or class action lawsuit, but I don't know if that's possible...I hear it IS from some, isn't from others.)
PLUS, ZD announces Geragos and Geragos suing LAPD in Federal Court of failure to process exculpatory DNA evidence that set the Plaintiff free, after being locked upi for two months.)
* "Dirt" Burnell housing development in Mt. Washington: Complaint HAS been filed with Building and Saftey alleging developer, Michael Zenon (Xenon)submitted substantial mistatement of facts with intention to mislead City into issuing permits.
(Are three CMs tied into this?)
ALSO: XENON was denied a condo conversion in CM Rosdendahl's district over all the stuff ZD has been talking about (vacancy rates, Ellis Act, notification issues). So he is appealing to Council first week in June for permission. Rosendahl claims to be "tenant friendly". Let's see if he and council can stand up to Zenon. ZD says, "Hell Naw". CM will cave and apartments will be converted and Rosendahl will never hear the end of it.
* SW Museum/Griffith Park expansion/Autry Non-Profit: (See ZD/Mayor Sam story)
* Wyvenwood Apartments: Is Mike Fink's Fifteen company (who owns the apartments) planning a demolition to make way for a condo? Huizar claims to be unaware of it...But ZD says he is VERY aware of it. Better demolish all those "historic" buildings and chop down all those dozens of old oak trees to make way.
* ED REYES'S LA River Project: CRA boondoggle to turn LA River project into the "Condorodo River". Just an excuse to build high density housing around no infrastructre. WAAAAAAAY more to come on this.
* Prop K (State Park Bond Money): Waaaaaaaaay too many loopholes to allow non-profits to bamboozle the fund and not build the parks.
* HONORABLE MENTION: Froniter Building Supply, tract maps, bulky item collection fee/tax, Amiga, non-profits paying huge salaries and blinged out rides to the boardmembers we all have heard of, CRA ($14 Boyle Heights bond),
For more info call me at 310-928-7544 and I will be glad to follow up. Otherwise, check the Mayor Sam blog for all of these current stories, with way more to come.